Logat: Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia dan Pembelajaran http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">LOGAT diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Satra Indonesia. Jurusan Pendidikan&nbsp; Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sriwijaya Bekerja sama dengan Himpunan Sarjana Kesusastraan Indonesia (Hiski), Masyarakat Pernaskahan&nbsp; Nusantara (Manasa). </span></p> <p>LOGAT menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian serta analitis kritis bidang bahasa/ilmu bahasa, sastra, dan pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Menerima artikel dari para ahli, peneliti, dosen/guru, dan pemerhati.</p> en-US mulyadi.eko@unsri.ac.id (Mulyadi Eko Purnomo) a.rizqiturama@gmail.com (Akhmad Rizqi Turama) Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 THE MAGICAL REALISM OF THE CREEPY CASE CLUB CHILDREN'S HORROR NOVEL SERIES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1303 <p>This research was conducted with two objectives, (1) to describe the content of magical realism in the children's horror novel series <em>Creepy Case Club</em> by Rizal Iwan, and (2) to describe the opportunities for using the book to support Indonesian language learning achievements in various learning phases. The approach used in this study is qualitative. Data is collected through documentation. The source of this research data is six children's horror novel series books <em>Creepy Case Club</em> by Rizal Iwan. Analysis is carried out by content or content analysis. The results of this study are (1) the children's horror novel series <em>Creepy Case Club</em> is a work of magical realism based on the existence of five magical realism markers that appear in each book, and (2) these six books can be used to support Indonesian language learning activities starting from phase A to phase F students. This book not only provides fear or tells stories about something that does not make sense but can also support the educational process of various Indonesian language learning materials.</p> Kristophorus Divinanto Adi Yudono ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1303 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 03:59:42 +0000 DICTION AND FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE TEROPONG DAN MANIAM DRAMA TRILOGY BY FAHMI SYARIF (STYLISTIC STUDY) http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1362 <p>This study aims to describe local diction and figurative language contained in the Trilogi Drama Teropong dan Meriam script by Fahmi Syarif. This study is a qualitative descriptive study. The data of this study are in the form of local Bugis and Makassar diction in the form of verbs, adjectives, and nouns. And figurative language includes personification, simile, metaphor, irony, and sarcasm. Based on the stylistic study of Gorys Keraf, the data analysis technique is obtained through collecting, reading, and recording data. The study results, namely: first, local Bugis and Makassar diction, were found in verbs as many as 6 data, adjectives 3 data, and nouns 5 data. Second, figurative language was found in personification as many as 4 data, simile 5 data, metaphor 4 data, irony 7 data, and sarcasm 9 data. This study contributes to practitioners and educators in several essential ways. For practitioners, such as writers and drama directors, the analysis of diction and figurative language in the "Teropong dan Meriam" trilogy can be a source of inspiration and guidance for creating works rich in meaning and beautiful language. A deep understanding of the stylistic techniques used by Fahmi Syarif can help them develop more lively and engaging dialogues and narratives. For educators, the findings of this study can be used as effective teaching materials to teach students stylistic elements and literary appreciation. Through this case study, teachers can teach how to analyze literary texts critically, enrich the Indonesian language and literature curriculum, and improve students' abilities to understand and enjoy literary works</p> Muh. Subair, Juanda Juanda, Nansilianti Nansilianti, Iswan Afandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1362 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:05:12 +0000 BERDEFERENSIASI DALAM TEAM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN MENULIS TEKS BERITA JENJANG SMP http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1355 <p>Writing news texts is an important skill but is often difficult for students to master. To evaluate the effectiveness of the differentiated approach in Team Based Learning to increase students’ understanding, quality and involvement in writing news texts. The research carried out aims to find out how a differentiated approach can be applied in Team Based Learning so that stat it can improve students’ understanding of writing news texts in Surabaya State Middle School students class VII E. The method used uses a One Group Pretest Posttest design with cycle 1 and cycle 2 experiments, which produces data increased understanding by 9,7%, decreased difficulty of structure identification and visible improvements of the same magnitude by 90,3%, increased news text quality by 93,8%, and increased student engagement and interest by 16,1%. The overall results of the data obtained show that the differentiated approach in Team Based Learning is able to effectively improve the understanding and quality of writing news texts as well as student involvement and is able to create an even and responsive learning environment to increase students’ motivation to learn to write news texts.</p> Fera Dian Pratiwi, Mukhzamilah -, Joeni Mariasih ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1355 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:45:48 +0000 ANALYSIS OF THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS, PRIVATE TEACHERS, AND LECTURERS FOR INDONESIAN LANGUAGE TEACHING E-MODULES FOR PPL PPG COURSES BASED ON CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING ANALYSIS OF THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS, PRIVATE TEACHERS, AND LECTURERS FOR INDONESIAN LA http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1389 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to analyse the needs of students, student teachers, and <em>lecturers</em> for <em>Culturally Responsive Teaching</em> (CRT)-based teaching e-modules in the Field Experience Practices (PPL) course for prospective teachers in the Indonesian Language Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program. The research used <em>mixed methods</em> with an exploratory sequential design, which combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of user needs. The first stage was conducted using quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to all participants to evaluate specific needs related to the features, materials, and presentation of e-modules that support culture-based learning. The second stage continued using qualitative methods through in-depth interviews with respondents to gain initial insights into their needs related to CRT e-modules. The results of the needs analysis of 112 students, 68 student teachers, and 23 lecturers in South Sumatra for <em>Culturally Responsive Teaching</em> (CRT)-based teaching e-modules in the Indonesian Professional Teacher Education (PPG) programme Field Experience Practice (PPL) course showed that the majority of respondents have a high need for e-modules that can accommodate local cultural contexts, increase students‘ understanding of students’ cultural diversity, and create an inclusive learning environment. CRT-based e-modules are also considered important to increase student engagement and readiness in facing the learning context in the field. The findings are expected to be a reference in the development of teaching e-modules that are effective, responsive to cultural diversity, and relevant to the teaching needs in PPL PPG.</p> Ernalida Ernalida, Hani Atus Atus Sholikhah, Soni Mirizon, Fiftinova Fiftinova ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1389 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:56:39 +0000 Indonesian Language Learning in the Emancipated Curriculum in Junior High Schools: Review Analysis http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1206 <p>Indonesian Language Subject is one of the subjects taught in the emancipated curriculum at the Junior High School level. This research aims to determine the implementation of Indonesian language subject in the emancipated curriculum at junior high school level which has been carried out in Indonesia and throughout the world as well as the obstacles and challenges in its implementation. The researchers used databases from Google Scholar and Scopus to obtain articles as studies in the literature review. The research method used is review analysis using the PICOS (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, and Study Design) technique to conduct a search using keywords that correspond to the topics "indonesian language subject", "emancipated curriculum", and "junior high school". This research also uses the publish or perish application to make it easier for researchers in searching the article databases that match the research topic. Based on the review analysis, the research results showed that there were several obstacles and challenges in implementing the emancipated curriculum at the junior high school level, including the lack of teacher ability to operate learning technology, difficulties in diagnostic analysis, differentiated learning problem, preparation of formative and summative assessments, and limited technological facilities and infrastructure in border areas. However, the emancipated curriculum also provides benefits, including teachers can develop and utilize innovative and digital-based learning media, teachers can bring out their own creativity in learning, learning is more student-oriented, and learning is less rushed and more meaningful. Therefore, this review analysis can guide toward the researchers and teachers to map the strengths and weaknesses of the emancipated curriculum and can immediately find solutions to overcome the weaknesses that arise.</p> Ahmad Sudi Pratikno, Indana Zulfa Majidah ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1206 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 05:12:12 +0000 Development Of Project Based Learning E-Module In Indonesian Langueage Learning Class V Elementary School http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1327 <p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research and development aim to describe the development process and determine the quality of the feasibility of project-based learning e-module (electronic module) teaching material products in class V elementary school, especially Indonesian language learning advertising materials. The research method used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) development model. The data analysis techniques used are quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques with data collection carried out by observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Feasibility testing of e-module teaching material products for project-based learning in Indonesian language learning resulted from 94.12% material validation experts, 98% language validation experts, 98.46% media validation experts, and trials on students obtained a feasibility percentage of 100 % in the one-to-one test, small group test was 99%, and field test was 95%. Based on assessments from expert and student validation tests, it can be concluded that the development of project-based learning e-modules for fifth-grade elementary school Indonesian language learning, especially advertising materials, is feasible and can be applied as teaching material in the Indonesian language learning process in the classroom V Elementary School.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: E-module, Indonesian Language, Project Based Learning&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> Ira Yuningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1327 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 05:26:58 +0000 Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Culturally Responsive Teaching di SMP N 1 Gemolong http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/987 <p>This research is related to the implementation of Indonesian language learning based on Culturally Responsive Teaching at SMP N 1 Gemolong. This research method is descriptive with a qualitative approach. This research was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Gemolong, Sragen Regency in class VII odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The subjects in this research were four Indonesian language teachers who taught in class VII. Data collection techniques in this research used interview, observation and documentation techniques. The data used in this research is the application of Indonesian language learning based on Culturally Responsive Teaching. Data analysis takes the form of data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display), drawing conclusions (verification). The data validity technique used in this research is the triangulation technique. After analyzing the results and making changes, it can be concluded that the learning planning plan made by the Indonesian language teacher does not clearly include the integration of Culturally Responsive Teaching. However, in the learning process in class it turns out that the teachers have implemented it by taking advantage of the environmental conditions around the students. Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching-based learning can make it easier for students to understand the material taught by the teacher. This happens because learning has become integrated with daily life and also local culture.</p> Nasirudin Al Mustofa ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/987 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 05:34:52 +0000 The ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN SISWA TERHADAP BAHAN AJAR DIGITAL BERBASIS CERITA PARA NABI PADA PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS PUISI http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1415 <p>This technology is one of the characteristics of learning in the millennial <br>generation era where everything is about the internet and technological sophistication. <br>Although character building also needs to be done. Digital teaching materials based on stories <br>of the prophets so that these teaching materials have religious values that are full of religious <br>values are the right choice to improve literacy in learning to write poetry in class X SMA <br>Srijaya Negara. The purpose of this study was to describe the analysis of students' needs for <br>digital teaching materials based on stories of the prophets in learning to write poetry in class <br>X SMS Srijaya Negara. This study is part of research and development, namely the <br>preliminary research stage and information collection. The data collection techniques for this <br>study were questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis techniques used were qualitative <br>and quantitative data analysis techniques. The data sources for this study were students and <br>teachers at SMA Srijaya Negara. The results of the study showed the following things. First, <br>digital teaching materials based on stories of the prophets are needed by students and teachers <br>of class X SMA Srijaya Negara.</p> Sri Safrina, Santi Oktarina, Abdul Gofur, Nurbuana Nurbuana, aprianti aprianti, sucitra sucitra ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/logat/article/view/1415 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 06:25:01 +0000