Exercise barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer player


Dony Sugianto Putra


Abstract The Problem in this research is there any available of the effect of exercise barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer player SMPN Sata 4 Sirenja. The method used is a method of research experiment with design pre-test and pot-test. This observational population total 12 soccer player.Collecting data in this study using the technique of the test, the type of test is the test performance type essay is essay shooting long ball. Based on the analysis of descriptive statistical techniques, that abdominal exercises to test and exercise the arm muscles obtained by calculation, namely t hitung 13,688 with t table on significant level of 5% db = (N-1) = (12-1) = 11 at 2,201. So t count greater than t table or 13,688 >2,201 or increase between pre- test and post-test is 68,5 with a mean deviation as much as 5,708 or nearly as much asb 5% Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is received, this means that the hypothesis that there is a significant effect (mean) barrier hops exercises on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer acceptable. Conclusion in this study, that available effect of exercises barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball in soccer player SMPN Satap 4 Sirenja.


How to Cite
Putra, D. (2021). Exercise barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer player. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 41-50. Retrieved from http://ejournal.fkip.unsri.ac.id/index.php/semnaspenjas/article/view/185


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