Improve Student Agility Through Fishing Games
From the problems mentioned above, there are actually several alternative actions so that the process of increasing agility in class IV can be effective, including: Game practice being a fish. With a variety of learning formations. So from several alternative problem solving efforts to improve agility, the priority problem solving that is expected to be able to overcome the problem of ineffectiveness in efforts to increase agility in class IV, quickly and easily is through the practice of fishing games in the process of increasing agility in SD Negeri 3 Purbalingga Lor, Purbalingga District. , Purbalingga Regency. To collect research data, it is done by determining the data source first, then the type of data, data collection techniques and instruments used. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 3 Purbalingga Lor, Purbalingga District, Purbalingga Regency, for the 2011/2012 academic year with 17 female students and 18 male students, so the total number was 35 students. The results of each aspect of the action: Student activities in an effort to increase agility 80% are sufficient. Teacher activities in an effort to increase agility 100%. There is an improvement in the learning outcomes of students prefix Pa 100%, for those who have not been able to complete learning, in remedial 4 students' responses to efforts to increase agility 85% are sufficient.
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