Improved basic bullet repellent skills using methods of play and tool modification


Husnawati M. Nyombali


Efforts to improve basic shot put skills by using modified playing methods and tools for fifth graders at SDN 1 Luwuk in the 2013/2014 school year. The problem in this research is that the basic skills of 5th graders at SDN 1 Luwuk are still low. Several factors caused the lack of interest as well as adequate facilities and infrastructure, so that seeing this condition, researchers were motivated to improve basic shot put skills by using modified playing methods and tools. Based on this background, the problem is "How to improve basic shot put skills by using modified playing methods and tools for fifth graders at SDN 1 Luwuk." The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out at SDN 1 Luwuk in the 2013/2014 academic year for 17 students in class V. This research was carried out in two cycles of learning. Each cycle includes planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The technique of collecting data is through performance tests to obtain/measure indicators with the method used and direct observation in the field. Based on the acquisition of student learning outcomes of basic shot put skills from cycle I to cycle II, it shows a significant increase, namely from the average learning outcome in cycle I to cycle II, it shows a significant increase, namely from the average learning outcome in cycle I of 68 ,38% increased to 80.51% in the second cycle or increased by 12.16%, as well as the classical learning outcomes from 41.17% in the first cycle increased to 88.23% in the second cycle or increased by 47 0.06%, while the activeness of students in the learning process the average active time of students during the learning process is 73.33%, this means that students learn with enthusiasm, and the ineffective time is 21.67%, so the increase in student activity in cycle I and cycle II of 56.66%.


How to Cite
Nyombali, H. (2021). Improved basic bullet repellent skills using methods of play and tool modification. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 92-105. Retrieved from


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