Improving the ability of passing volleyball through the demonstration method in elementary school
This study aims to determine the improvement of volleyball passing learning outcomes through the demonstration method to improve the quality of student learning outcomes in following the learning process as indicated by better performance test results, student attitudes and student behavior. This research uses classroom action research method. The object of the research was through the demonstration method, while the subjects were fifth grade students at SD Negeri 64 Singkawang, Singkawang Timur District, Bengkayang Regency. The data collection in this study was designed in two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. The instrument used in data collection was obtained from the performance test results displayed by students during the test. From the results of the research conducted, there was an increase in student learning outcomes from cycle 1 and cycle 2, both from an increase in the average value of volleyball passing learning and the value of mastery learning outcomes. The average value of cycle 1 (75.33%) and cycle average 2 (100%), so that the increase from cycle 1 to cycle 2 is 24.67%. The increase in movement ability in volleyball passing volleyball learning can be seen from the KKM score (75.00) or complete by 83.33% after taking action in cycle 1 the student learning scores are completed as many as 15 of 24 students (75.33%) and in cycle 2 which is completed as much as 24 out of 24students as a whole or complete by 100%. The conclusion of this researcher is to show that improving volleyball passing learning outcomes through the demonstration method for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 64 Singkawang, Singkawang Timur District, Bengkayang Regency is included in the good category. Suggestions for this research for physical education teachers in the downstream sekadau sub-district who meet the same problem can use this method as an alternative for volleyball lessons
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