Government policy to provide sports facilities and infrastructure at Watakika Negeri Junior High School


Hendrikus Gregorius Duka
Andreas J.F. Lumba


This study aims to describe government policies regarding the provision of sports facilities and infrastructure in public junior high schools in terms of availability and adequacy. This research was conducted at Watakika State Junior High School. The research subjects were the head of the junior high school, the principal, physical education teacher and students. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, naturalistic approach. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, in-depth interviews and recording. The validity technique is triangulation. Interactive model data analysis techniques, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of the research is that the local government through the relevant agencies makes suggestions upward with the mechanism of school reports through the education office and local governments are discussed and budgeted for providing sports infrastructure assistance. The assistance in the form of goods and funds will later be spent through DAK, for several years there has been a lack of these funds so that schools only rely on BOS funds which are quite limited in their management. The availability of sports infrastructure in Watakika State Junior High School meets the minimum standards based on the standards of sports infrastructure in junior high schools including educational equipment, media and learning resources, needed for an orderly learning process. The sports infrastructure at Watakika State Junior High School already has a field, but facilities such as sports equipment are still lacking. The total number of students is 33 students, while the facilities and sports are only 2 and not all types are available, not including the damaged ones


How to Cite
Duka, H., & Lumba, A. (2021). Government policy to provide sports facilities and infrastructure at Watakika Negeri Junior High School. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 183-192. Retrieved from


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