Increase physical education learning motivation with game models


Sarippudin Sarippudin
M. Al Ghani


The purpose of the study was to increase the motivation to learn physical education with a game model in grade 5 students at SDN Pulogebang 06 East Jakarta in 2020/2021. The research used was the Class Room Action Research method. The subjects of the study were grade 5 students at SDN Pulogebang 06, The number of subjects in this study consisted of 28 grade 5 students at SDN Pulogebang 06. Classroom Action Research used 2 cycles. The first cycle which is realized through action gives the following results: The teacher provides physical education learning motivation to students according to the learning plan and design, the results are 26 or 92.86% of students on the fewer criteria, 2 or 7.14% of students in the sufficient category, and none students on good criteria or 0%. The second cycle activities which are realized through reflection actions from cycle 1 give the following results: The teacher provides learning motivation to students according to the learning plan and design, the result is 4 or 14% of students on sufficient criteria, 24 or 86% of students in the good category, and no students on the criteria of less or 0%. The data concluded that there was an increase in learning motivation from the application of the game model to learning motivation in 5th-grade students of SDN Pulogebang 06 which means their learning motivation is good and from the results of the study It is hoped that activities such as implementing the game model should be carried out regularly


How to Cite
Sarippudin, S., & Al Ghani, M. (2021). Increase physical education learning motivation with game models. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 206-214. Retrieved from


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