The relationship between explosive power of the limb muscles and the results of running 40 meters


Syusilaiman Syusilaiman
Ramadi Ramadi
Ardiah Juita


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Explosive Power of the Limb Muscles and a Running Speed ​​of 40 Meters for Class V students of SDN 001 Langgam, Pelalawan Regency. population in this study amounted to 26 people. The technique of collecting samples with total sampling. The instrument in this study was leg muscle power with a vertical jump and a running speed of 40 meters. The data is analyzed by product moment correlation. Based on the results of the study that there was a relationship between explosive power of the leg muscles and a running speed of 40 meters for male students in class V SDN 001 Langgam, Pelalawan Regency, it was found that rcount = 0.631 > rtable = 0.602. Then there is no relationship between explosive power of leg muscles and a running speed of 40 meters for female students of class V SDN 001 Langgam, Pelalawan Regency, obtained rcount = -0.006 > rtable = 0.553


How to Cite
Syusilaiman, S., Ramadi, R., & Juita, A. (2021). The relationship between explosive power of the limb muscles and the results of running 40 meters. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 292-299. Retrieved from


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