Improving the learning of basic motion run using rice media in elementary school students


Rizki Firdaus


The aims of this study are: 1) To find out the extent to which students' activities in the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields are used, 2) To determine the extent to which teachers' activities in the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields are used, and 3) To find out how far the level of student enthusiasm for the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields. In the implementation of this study, all third grade students of SDN Mergasana, totaling 34 students, were used. The data analysis technique used the assessment of the teacher's activity observation sheet, the assessment of the student activity observation sheet, the student's performance test and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it can be illustrated that the implementation of the teaching and learning process for running basic movements using rice fields at the State Elementary School 1 Mergasana in 2012/2013, student activity while participating in learning in the second cycle reached 89%, teacher activity in teaching running basic movements using media rice fields in the second cycle reached 84%. Referring to these results, the authors conclude, namely: 1) Teacher activities are categorized as active and student activities are categorized as very active. Meanwhile, the students' response to the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields was very satisfied. The researcher also proposes suggestions, namely: 1) For students, show your enthusiasm for learning in any conditions and situations, because actually learning is fun, but only students can make it that way, and 2) For teachers, explore your creative potential by utilizing existing resources. around us to provide a fun teaching and learning process for students and teachers.


How to Cite
Firdaus, R. (2021). Improving the learning of basic motion run using rice media in elementary school students. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 323-328. Retrieved from


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