The contribution of leg strength and arm strength with the results of the volleyball jump service


Solahudin Solahudin
Muhammad Rizal Ibrahim


The Relationship Between The Contribution Of Leg Strength And Arm Strength With The Result Of Jump Service In The Extracurricular Game Of Volleyball At SMPN 3 Cicurug. The problem raised in this study is how big the contribution of leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength either separately or simultaneously to the ability to jump service in volleyball games. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the contribution of leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength both separately and simultaneously to the ability of jump service in volleyball extracurricular games at SMP Negeri 3 Cicurug. This study uses a descriptive method with test and measurement techniques on the sample, the samples in this study are students who take part in Volleyball Extracurricular, totaling 24 people. The sampling technique used is the total sampling technique. Data analysis used single correlation and multiple correlation analysis techniques. Where as leg muscle strength independent variable 1 (X1) and arm muscle strength as independent variable 2 (X2) and jump service ability in volleyball game as dependent variable (Y). From the results of data analysis, this study shows that leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength have a significant influence on the ability to jump service in volleyball games. This is indicated by the correlation coefficient value of 0.503 for leg muscle strength and 0.632 for arm muscle strength. While the contribution of each of these components is 25% for leg muscle strength and 40% for arm muscle strength and significant at α 5%. This means that partially leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength have a significant contribution to the ability to jump service in volleyball games at SMP Negeri 3 Cicurug students. Furthermore, the strength of the limb muscles and the strength of the arm muscles simultaneously also gave a positive contribution to the ability to jump service in volleyball games at SMP Negeri 3 Cicurug students, this was evident from the correlation coefficient value of 0.773, and significant at 5% with an F value of 15.553 . The contribution is 60%. While the other 40%, influenced by other factors not included in this study


How to Cite
Solahudin, S., & Ibrahim, M. (2021). The contribution of leg strength and arm strength with the results of the volleyball jump service. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 336-342. Retrieved from


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