Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan en-US Mon, 29 Nov 2021 02:02:17 +0000 OJS 60 Overview of the physical activity of students aged 12-16 years <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical activity of students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey method used the Sort-Form of International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF) which was distributed online to assess the level of physical activity and energy expenditure based on Metabolic Equivalents of Task (MET). The subjects of this study were students at SMP Negeri Bandarkedungmulyo, Jombang as many as 234 students (M: 118; F: 116) aged 12-16 years (13.41±1.17). The results showed that the level of physical activity of 39 students (16.67%) was in a low category, 94 (40.17%) of the students were in the medium category, and 101 (43.16%) students were in the high category. The conclusion of this study is that the level of physical activity of students at SMP Negeri Bandarkedungmulyo is in the high category, although it was also found that there were some research subjects who had low categories of physical activity.</em></p> A. Rohmad ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Zig-Zag Run Training on The Results of Ball Dribbling Agility <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan zig-zag run terhadap hasil kelincahan dribbling bola pemain futsal club Brancos Ladies Lubuklinggau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen semu. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik total population sampling dengan jumlah sampel 35 orang. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes shuttle run. Hasil pengolahan dan analisis data dengan menggunakan uji normalitas data dan uji hipotesis dengan rumus uji t, bahwa latihan zig-zag run berpengaruh terhadap hasil kelincahan dribbling s bola pemain futsal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis data melalui perhitungan rumus uji t dengan kriteria t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel (23,57˃ 1,69) dengan taraf kepercayaan 0,95 (α = 0,05) dan jumlah sampel (N = 35), Hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Latihan zig-zag run benar-benar memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil kelincahan dribbling bola pemain futsal. Implikasi penelitian ini bahwa latihan zig-zag run memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil kelincahan dribbling bola.</p> Leo Valdy Fasha, Giartama Giartama, Silvi Aryanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Profile implementation of physical education <p><em>To reach efficacy of physical of education of health and sport, there are some factor wich supporting that is: teacher, student, facilities, and basic facilities, and also curriculum. Research wich have been conducted at SMP all around Bangkalan City, having a purpose to know execution progress of physical education of health and sport, in SMP all around Bangkalan City.In this research is conducted at 5 SMP all around Bangkalan city, SMP 1 Bangkalan, SMP 2 Bangkalan, SMP 3 Bangkalan, SMP 4 Bangkalan, SMP 5 Bangkalan. By using research method in the from of survey. Data analysis by using assessment guidance of PDPJOI 2019, showing result of that in SMP all around Bangkalan City at education have adequate, and also result of range of time performance 1 year ago have been executed very good.Keep it result of this research, showing SMP all around Bangkalan City, at area physical of education of health and sport is included in good category.</em></p> Hairil Hamidi Sani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:03:41 +0000 Study of locomotor movement ability <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the locomotor motion capability of the seventh-grade students of</em> <em>SMP Darussalamm Kademangan Blitar. Subjects in this study as many as 40 students consisting of 27 male students and 13 female students, data collected by interview and documentation, the data were analyzed by descriptive-titatif analysis techniques. The result of the 50-meter running test is male group mean 7.19, daughter 9,63, the standard deviation of men group 0,75, daughter 0,89, male group variant 0,57, daughter 0,79, test long jump without prefix group of men 183.18, daughter 152.29, the standard deviation of men group 16.82, daughter 18.06, male group variant 283,08, daughter 326,07, and test data of zig-zag that mean of men group 12,1, daughters 14.1, the standard deviation of men's son 0.92, princess 1.44, male group variant 0.85 and princess group 2.07. In conclusion from the research result that the male group participants are still more dominant than the female group of each locomotor classroom motion test for grade VII students of Darussalam Kademangan Kabupaten Blitar</em></p> Ahmad Zaenal Arif, Siti Nurrochmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:09:11 +0000 Exercise barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer player <p><em>Abstract The Problem in this research is there any available of the effect of exercise barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer player SMPN Sata 4 Sirenja. The method used is a method of research experiment with design pre-test and pot-test. This observational population total 12 soccer player.Collecting data in this study using the technique of the test, the type of test is the test performance type essay is essay shooting long ball. Based on the analysis of descriptive statistical techniques, that abdominal exercises to test and exercise the arm muscles obtained by calculation, namely t hitung 13,688 with t table on significant level of 5% db = (N-1) = (12-1) = 11 at 2,201. So t count greater than t table or 13,688 &gt;2,201 or increase between pre- test and post-test is 68,5 with a mean deviation as much as 5,708 or nearly as much asb 5% Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is received, this means that the hypothesis that there is a significant effect (mean) barrier hops exercises on sand to improve ability shooting long ball soccer acceptable. Conclusion in this study, that available effect of exercises barrier hops on sand to improve ability shooting long ball in soccer player SMPN Satap 4 Sirenja.</em></p> Dony Sugianto Putra ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:13:59 +0000 The sequence of exercises for the overhead lay up shot and the underhand lay up shot on the results of the lay up shot for basketball extracurricular students <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the results of the lay up shot with the overhead and underhand lay up shot techniques as well as the effectiveness of the training sequence underhand-overhead lay up shot and overhead-underhand lay up shot on the results of the lay up shot in basketball extracurricular students of SMP Negeri. 26 Surakarta in 2012/2013.</em> <em>This research is a quasi-experimental research (PEK), with the design of The Counterbalanced Design. The subjects of this quasi-experimental research were 20 students of basketball extracurricular at SMP N 26 Surakarta in 2012/2013. The data collection technique used is the lay up shot test from Imam Sodikun. The data analysis technique used was the One Way Repeated Measures ANOVA with the help of the SPSS Release 20 program.</em> <em>The results showed that the overhead lay up shot and underhand lay up shot techniques obtained different results, which can be proven that the lay up shot results with the overhead lay up shot technique obtained better results than the underhand lay up shot technique. And to get optimal results, you have to start practicing from the easy things first to the more difficult ones. The overhead-underhand lay up shot training sequence on the lay up shot results is indeed more effective.The conclusions of this study are: 1) There are significant differences in the results between the results of the lay up shot with the underhand lay up shot and the overhead lay up shot in the basketball extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 26 Surakarta in 2012/2013. 2) The overhead-underhand lay up shot exercise sequence was more effective than the underhand-overhead lay up shot training sequence on the results of the lay-up shot for basketball extracurricular students at SMP Negeri 26 Surakarta in 2012/2013.</em></p> Imam Fajar Utama ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:15:45 +0000 Improve Student Agility Through Fishing Games <p><em>From the problems mentioned above, there are actually several alternative actions so that the process of increasing agility in class IV can be effective, including: Game practice being a fish</em><em>. </em><em>With a variety of learning formations</em><em>. </em><em>So from several alternative problem solving efforts to improve agility, the priority problem solving that is expected to be able to overcome the problem of ineffectiveness in efforts to increase agility in class IV, quickly and easily is through the practice of fishing games in the process of increasing agility in SD Negeri 3 Purbalingga Lor, Purbalingga District. , Purbalingga Regency. To collect research data, it is done by determining the data source first, then the type of data, data collection techniques and instruments used. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 3 Purbalingga Lor, Purbalingga District, Purbalingga Regency, for the 2011/2012 academic year with 17 female students and 18 male students, so the total number was 35 students. The results of each aspect of the action:</em> <em>Student activities in an effort to increase agility 80% are sufficient</em><em>. </em><em>Teacher activities in an effort to increase agility 100%</em><em>. </em><em>There is an improvement in the learning outcomes of students prefix Pa 100%, for those who have not been able to complete learning, in remedial 4 students' responses to efforts to increase agility 85% are sufficient.</em></p> Nur Asriati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:16:59 +0000 Student motivation towards small games in the teaching and learning process of physical education <p><em>Physical, sports and health education is an integral part of the education system as a whole; it is intent to develop aspects of health, physical fitness, critical thinking skills, emotional stability, social skills, reasoning and moral action through physical activity and sport. But many of us have encountered that many teachers of physical, sport and health education who teach their students in a monotonous manner because of the limited facilities and infrastructures, so the motivation of students in PJOK lesson tends to decline. Therefore, an alternative solution is to provide a game which never they have played such as small games to motivate the students in physical, sports and health education be increased. The purpose of this research is 1) To know the Effect Application of Small Games to Motivate in Learning PJOK for SDN 02 Lubuak Alai. 2) To know the sum of Influence Application of Small Games to Motivate in Learning Physical, Sport and Health Education SDN 02 Lubuak Alai. The goal of this research is the students SDN 02 Lubuak Alai and the number of samples has been taken as many as 33 students. The method of this analysis is using descriptive of quantitative statistical methods. While the process of data collection was conducted using a Likert scale questionnaire. Statistical analysis values obtained tcount 3,741 ≤ ttable 1,697 with Sig = 0,001 ≥ α = 0.05, indicating that H0 is accepted and Ha rejected,&nbsp;so there Effect Application of Small Games to Motivate In Learning PJOK &nbsp;Education SDN 02 Lubuak Alai. The magnitude of the effect of applying a small game to motivate students in learning PJOK is 15%.</em></p> Reymon Saputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:18:06 +0000 Improving learning results of sprinting using the play method <p><em>Improving the results of learning to run fast using the play method for third grade students. This research was carried out with the aim of improving learning outcomes of basic movement skills of sprinting with the obstacle course running method for third grade students of SD Negeri 37 Pekanbaru. This type of research is classroom action research with a 2 cycle process. The first cycle includes making observations, making action plans, taking actions, and holding reflections. While the second cycle is holding an action plan, taking action, and holding reflection. The research subjects were the third grade students of SD Negeri 37 Pekanbaru in the 2017/2018 academic year with a total of 32 students. Instruments and methods of data collection were observation and evaluation. Data analysis techniques with quantitative and qualitative descriptive statistics. The results showed that the learning process of basic movement skills of sprinting with the obstacle course method for third graders was very effective, seen from the increase in the indicators of the early learning process and the final score, namely the percentage of complete learning in the initial study of 37, 5% and after carrying out treatment 2, their learning completeness increased to 87.50. In general, the learning outcomes of basic movement skills of sprinting in third grade students are good, because 87.50% of the 32 students have met the minimum completeness criteria.</em></p> Syamsir Syamsir ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:19:20 +0000 An overview of the inhibiting factors faced by physical education teachers in physical education learning <p><em>An overview of the inhibiting factors faced by physical education teachers in the physical education learning process at SD Bali Kalebu, Puumawo Village, Waikabubak City District, West Sumba Regency.&nbsp; Thesis, Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the Christian Artha Discourse University of Kupang. The teaching and learning process is an operational activity of teacher and student interaction in the classroom in order to achieve the goals that have been set with several approaches and methods and assisted by media that can be expected to achieve maximum learning outcomes.&nbsp; The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibiting factors faced by physical education teachers in the learning process of physical education, sports and health at the Inpres Bali Kalebu Elementary School in Puumawo Village, Waikabubak City, West Sumba Regency in 2021. This study used a naturalistic qualitative descriptive method.&nbsp; The object in this study is the Bali Kalebu Inpres Elementary School in Puumawo Village, Waikabubak City District, West Sumba Regency 2021. The key informants in this study were interviews with sports and health physical education teachers, school principals, and 4 students in elementary schools.&nbsp; Inpres Bali Kalebu in Puumawo Village, Waikabubak City, West Sumba Regency 2021. Data collection techniques using documentation, observation, and interviews.</em>&nbsp; <em>Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the physical education learning process does not work as it should due to factors that hinder the provision of material, namely sports facilities and infrastructure.</em></p> Dewi Saryati Luba Loru Gaung ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:33:17 +0000 Improved basic bullet repellent skills using methods of play and tool modification <p><em>Efforts to improve basic shot put skills by using modified playing methods and tools for fifth graders at SDN 1 Luwuk in the 2013/2014 school year. The problem in this research is that the basic skills of 5th graders at SDN 1 Luwuk are still low. Several factors caused the lack of interest as well as adequate facilities and infrastructure, so that seeing this condition, researchers were motivated to improve basic shot put skills by using modified playing methods and tools. Based on this background, the problem is "How to improve basic shot put skills by using modified playing methods and tools for fifth graders at SDN 1 Luwuk." The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out at SDN 1 Luwuk in the 2013/2014 academic year for 17 students in class V. This research was carried out in two cycles of learning. Each cycle includes planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The technique of collecting data is through performance tests to obtain/measure indicators with the method used and direct observation in the field. Based on the acquisition of student learning outcomes of basic shot put skills from cycle I to cycle II, it shows a significant increase, namely from the average learning outcome in cycle I to cycle II, it shows a significant increase, namely from the average learning outcome in cycle I of 68 ,38% increased to 80.51% in the second cycle or increased by 12.16%, as well as the classical learning outcomes from 41.17% in the first cycle increased to 88.23% in the second cycle or increased by 47 0.06%, while the activeness of students in the learning process the average active time of students during the learning process is 73.33%, this means that students learn with enthusiasm, and the ineffective time is 21.67%, so the increase in student activity in cycle I and cycle II of 56.66%.</em></p> Husnawati M. Nyombali ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:34:59 +0000 Learning using image media towards spike learning results in volleyball game <p><em>Abstrak </em><em>The purpose in this research is t</em><em>o achieve the success of physical education learning, the spike model learning process aims to make students able to carry out these movements with good control, which aims to determine the effect of image media on spike skills and determine whether or not image media is effective in learning spike volleyball games. This research was conducted on eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Darmaraja Sumedang in the 2010/2011 academic year. By using the experimental method. Data analysis using data normality testing was carried out using the normality test formula, the X2 (chi squared) test approach showed that the VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Darmaraja Sumedang in the 2010/2011 academic year there was a significant effect of learning using picture media on volleyball spike skills in VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Darmaraja for the academic year 2010/2011.</em></p> Dede Ruswana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:35:19 +0000 Learning innovation by teacher of physical education based on higher order thinking skills during the covid-19 pandemic <p><em>The 2013 curriculum mandates primary and secondary education institutions to apply Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in learning. The HOTS learning method consists of transfer of knowledge, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving. Teachers of Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) have attempted to implement this method. Currently, the implementation of HOTS is faced with obstacles to online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. PJOK teachers are required to prioritize learning that includes students' affective, cognitive and psychomotor aspects. Therefore, PJOK teachers are required to be able to innovate in delivering learning, one of which is using information technology. However, there are various other innovations used by PJOK teachers to implement the HOTS approach to students. This paper seeks to describe PJOK learning innovations for junior high school students while still implementing the HOTS approach during the Covid-19 pandemic in junior high schools in Kulon Progo Regency. The poll research method was used to collect and process data. Respondents in this study were PJOK teachers in Kulon Progo Regency. Data collection techniques using online questionnaires and literature studies. Data were analyzed using the concept of learning innovation and the HOTS approach</em></p> Andi Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:36:24 +0000 Peer tutor learning to improve student learning outcomes in breaststroke swimming lessons <p><em>The Peer Teaching-learning model is basically a learning activity by choosing a student who will be a teacher with the term "tutor", the tutor will later help other students (learners) in studying subject matter or motion tasks in a learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of the use of peer tutor learning models on student learning outcomes in breaststroke swimming lessons in elementary schools. The method used is Classroom Action Research which consists of 2 cycles. The results showed that the use of the peer tutoring learning model had an influence on student learning outcomes in breaststroke swimming lessons. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that there was an influence in terms of increasing the percentage of completeness, namely in the first cycle with an average value of 64 with a percentage of completeness of 25%, and in the second cycle the average value of 78 with a percentage of completeness of 81%. The conclusion of the study was the use of peer tutoring learning models on student learning outcomes in breaststroke swimming lessons in elementary schools</em></p> Zainal Abidin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:36:55 +0000 Wrist flexibility with short service ability in badminton athletes <p><em>This research is entitled “The Relationship between Wrist Flexibility and Short Service Ability in Attaufiqiyyah SMK Badminton Athletes in 2019. Badminton is a sport that is influenced by various factors. Physical condition is one that affects the technique in badminton. The element of wrist flexibility is indispensable in performing one of the short serve techniques. This study aims to determine the relationship between wrist flexibility and short serve ability in Attaufiqiyyah SMK Badminton Athletes in 2019. This type of research includes correlation research, the purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between the two variables studied. The population in this study were all of the Attaufiqiyyah Senior High School Badminton Athletes in 2019, totaling 38 people. As for the sample in this study as many as 20 people obtained through purposive sampling. The data collection technique used is measuring wrist flexibility and measuring short service ability to measure short service ability. The results of this study indicate that wrist flexibility has a significant relationship with short service ability in Attaufiqiyyah Vocational High School Athletes in 2019.</em></p> Mulyadi Mulyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:51:52 +0000 Improving the ability of passing volleyball through the demonstration method in elementary school <p><em>This study aims to determine the improvement of volleyball passing learning outcomes through the demonstration method to improve the quality of student learning outcomes in following the learning process as indicated by better performance test results, student attitudes and student behavior. This research uses classroom action research method. The object of the research was through the demonstration method, while the subjects were fifth grade students at SD Negeri 64 Singkawang, Singkawang Timur District, Bengkayang Regency. The data collection in this study was designed in two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. The instrument used in data collection was obtained from the performance test results displayed by students during the test. From the results of the research conducted, there was an increase in student learning outcomes from cycle 1 and cycle 2, both from an increase in the average value of volleyball passing learning and the value of mastery learning outcomes. The average value of cycle 1 (75.33%) and cycle average 2 (100%), so that the increase from cycle 1 to cycle 2 is 24.67%. The increase in movement ability in volleyball passing volleyball learning can be seen from the KKM score (75.00) or complete by 83.33% after taking action in cycle 1 the student learning scores are completed as many as 15 of 24 students (75.33%) and in cycle 2 which is completed as much as 24 out of 24students as a whole or complete by 100%. The conclusion of this researcher is to show that improving volleyball passing learning outcomes through the demonstration method for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 64 Singkawang, Singkawang Timur District, Bengkayang Regency</em> <em>is included in the good category. Suggestions for this research for physical education teachers in the downstream sekadau sub-district who meet the same problem can use this method as an alternative for volleyball lessons</em></p> Suriadi Suriadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 01:14:40 +0000 Jigsaw cooperative learning and student teams achievement division on the results of the hanging style hanging style <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of Jigsaw Cooperative LearningWith Student Teams Achievement Division To the Long Jump Style Dangling Students Class V of SD Negeri 12 Muara Padang. This research is a field experiment because it is done in a real situation, the two variables is given to the treatment of existing conditions through a training program systematically arranged. This study using pretest and posttest design. The population in this study were all students of V of SD Negeri 12 Muara Padang totaling 347 students, with samples taken as many as 10% of a population of 34 students. Students were divided into two groups based on the pretest. From the analysis of the data obtained from the value Thitung jigsaw 5,454 and 7,587 STAD Thitung with Ttabeldf = 13 degrees of freedom and a 0.05 earned Ttabel 1,771 so it can be concluded that Jigsaw =5,454 &gt; 1.771 and STAD = 7,587&gt; 1.771 with hypothesis demiklian no significant effect Jigsaw cooperative learning model and STAD the long jump sport style hanging. From the analysis of the differences obtained -0,651 with df = 30 degrees of freedom and a 0.05 earned Ttabel 1.6973, we can conclude -0,651 &lt;1.6973 hypothesis stated no significant differences STAD learning model Jigsaw with the long jump sport style hang on students of V of SD Negeri 12 Muara Padang .</em></p> Sutinah Sutinah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 01:15:17 +0000 Practice with distributed practice method and massed practice against underserve ability in volleyball game <p><em>This study aims to obtain information about the comparison of down serve training with a fixed net, changing distance and changing net fixed distance to the under serve in volleyball games for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri Salawu, Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with a population of 30 students in class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Salawu, Tasikmalaya Regency by using a total sampling technique. Based on the results of data processing with statistical tests, it turns out that empirically the bottom serve practice with a fixed net, the distance changes and the net fixed distance changes as effectively as the bottom serve skill in volleyball games.</em></p> Arif Nur Ichwan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 02:55:18 +0000 Improving mobility learning outcomes through group work methods on students <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar meroda pada siswa kelas V SDN Karanggondang Kecamatan Karanganyar Kabupaten Pekalongan tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 melalui metode kerja kelompok dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, Dari hasil penilaian tersebut, terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan dari kondisi siklus I ke siklus II. Hasil belajar meroda yang diperoleh dari siklus I adalah sebanyak 11 siswa atau 68,75% mencapai ketuntasan sedangkan 5 siswa atau 31,25% belum mencapai ketuntasan. Dan pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan menjadi 14 siswa atau 87,50% mencapai ketuntasan sedangkan 2 siswa atau 12,50% belum mencapai ketuntasan. Sehingga peningkatan dari siklus I hingga siklus II sebesar 31,25% atau 4 siswa dari jumlah keseluruhan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa melalui metode kerja kelompok dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar meroda pada siswa kelas V SDN Karanggondang Kecamatan Karanganyar Kabupaten Pekalongan tahun pelajaran 2019/2020.</p> Nanik Pujiati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 03:06:20 +0000 Survey of basic volleyball skill levels and students' physical conditions <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the basic skills of volleyball and the physical condition of male students participating in volleyball extracurricular activities at SMP N in Gringsing District. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research using survey methods.The research population was all male students who took part in volleyball extracurricular activities, totaling 75 children/students. The sampling technique used is total sampling, which is taking the entire population of 75 students as the research sample. Collecting data using a test survey technique. Based on the research conducted, the results of the lower passing were 51.06% or included in the medium category, the upper passing results were 20.93% or included in the less category, the service test results were 32.64% or included in the less category, while the smash test results was 24.29% or included in the less category. So that if the average basic technical ability possessed is 32.3% or is in the less category. Meanwhile, the physical condition as measured by the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI) for adolescents aged 13-15 years is 32% of students in the good category, 64% of students in the medium category and 4% of students in the poor category.The conclusions from the research conducted are still not optimal, because from the results of the data analysis it is in the poor category and the physical condition is still in the moderate category. The suggestion is that there is a need for additional training</em></p> Hendy Setiawan, Hermawan Pamot ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 04:08:33 +0000 Government policy to provide sports facilities and infrastructure at Watakika Negeri Junior High School <p><em>This study aims to describe government policies regarding the provision of sports facilities and infrastructure in public junior high schools in terms of availability and adequacy. This research was conducted at Watakika State Junior High School. The research subjects were the head of the junior high school, the principal, physical education teacher and students. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, naturalistic approach. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, in-depth interviews and recording. The validity technique is triangulation. Interactive model data analysis techniques, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of the research is that the local government through the relevant agencies makes suggestions upward with the mechanism of school reports through the education office and local governments are discussed and budgeted for providing sports infrastructure assistance. The assistance in the form of goods and funds will later be spent through DAK, for several years there has been a lack of these funds so that schools only rely on BOS funds which are quite limited in their management. The availability of sports infrastructure in Watakika State Junior High School meets the minimum standards based on the standards of sports infrastructure in junior high schools including educational equipment, media and learning resources, needed for an orderly learning process. The sports infrastructure at Watakika State Junior High School already has a field, but facilities such as sports equipment are still lacking. The total number of students is 33 students, while the facilities and sports are only 2 and not all types are available, not including the damaged ones</em></p> Hendrikus Gregorius Duka, Andreas J.F. Lumba ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Improved high jump learning with rubber bracelets <p><em>This study aims to determine the improvement of high jump learning outcomes with rubber bands for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Pernasidi, Korwilcam Dindik Cilongok, Banyumas Regency. The type of research used is a Class Action Research (CAR) model or Class Action Research. The subjects of this study were students of class V (Five) SD Negeri 1 Pernasi in the 2018/2019 academic year, totaling 16 students, consisting of 8 male students and 8 female students. The data analysis technique used was descriptive quantitative, students who took part in the study had reached the minimum level of completeness criteria specified, namely the value of 7.5. The results of the research during the learning process showed that there was an increase in student learning outcomes in high jump learning. This is evidenced by an increase in the average value of each cycle. In the pre-cycle the average value is 7.33. The average value increased in the first cycle to 7.46. In cycle II the average value increased again to 7.62. The increase was also seen in the percentage of students' completeness from pre-cycle, cycle, cycle I and cycle II. In the pre-cycle the percentage of student learning completeness is 42.87% or a total of 9 students who complete. In the first cycle, student learning completeness reached 52.62% or a total of 11 students who completed. In the second cycle, students' learning completeness reached 100%.</em></p> Nur Cahyo Trihadidin, Bambang Sutrisno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 06:47:27 +0000 Increase physical education learning motivation with game models <p><em>The purpose of the study was to increase the motivation to learn physical education with a game model in grade 5 students at SDN Pulogebang 06 East Jakarta in 2020/2021. The research used was the Class Room Action Research method. The subjects of the study were grade 5 students at SDN Pulogebang 06, The number of subjects in this study consisted of 28 grade 5 students at SDN Pulogebang 06. Classroom Action Research used 2 cycles. The first cycle which is realized through action gives the following results: The teacher provides physical education learning motivation to students according to the learning plan and design, the results are 26 or 92.86% of students on the fewer criteria, 2 or 7.14% of students in the sufficient category, and none students on good criteria or 0%. The second cycle activities which are realized through reflection actions from cycle 1 give the following results: The teacher provides learning motivation to students according to the learning plan and design, the result is 4 or 14% of students on sufficient criteria, 24 or 86% of students in the good category, and no students on the criteria of less or 0%. The data concluded that there was an increase in learning motivation from the application of the game model to learning motivation in 5th-grade students of SDN Pulogebang 06 which means their learning motivation is good and from the results of the study It is hoped that activities such as implementing the game model should be carried out regularly</em></p> Sarippudin Sarippudin, M. Al Ghani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 06:48:26 +0000 Height and arm muscle strength with smash ability in volyball games <p><em>Based on the results of data processing and analysis, a general conclusion can be drawn that there is a significant relationship between height and arm muscle strength with smash ability in male students of class IX of Bawari Islamic Junior High School Pontianak with a high correlation category. From this general conclusion, it can be concluded that: 1) male students have an average height of 156.94 cm, 2) male students have an average height of 156.94 cm. average arm muscle strength 19.91 times, 3). the male students have an average smash ability of 21.34 points 4) there is a significant relationship between height and arm muscle strength with smash abilities in male students with a score of correlation coefficient of 0.757 with the category of 'high' correlation.</em><em> The implication of this study is that there is a relationship between height and arm muscle strength on the smash ability of volleyball games.</em></p> Juniato Junianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 06:49:47 +0000 Improving football game passing skills through tactical approach model <p><em>Football is a team sport played by two teams in each field, and each team has a goal. The goal of this soccer game is to score as many goals as possible against the opponent. Therefore, the basic techniques of the game must be mastered. first in order to develop the ability to compete. Basic technical skills are very important for achievement. One of the most important techniques is the passing technique. However, this technique is difficult to learn, therefore we need a tactical approach method. the application of the approach model in improving passing skills in soccer games at SMPN 3 Serang City. The problem that is rigorous in this research is whether the tactical approach model can improve passing skills in soccer games. The research method used in this study is the research method. and Class Action. The subject of this research is class VIII SMPN 3 Serang City. After processing and analyzing the data, the results of the first cycle of the second cycle obtained that 22 people experienced a decrease or fixed 10%, and I people experienced a decrease or 5%. From the results of data analysis and calculation, it can be concluded that the application of a tactical approach can improve the passing skills of class VIII students at SMPN 3 Serang City. at SMPN 3 Serang City.</em></p> Subhan Faturochman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:31:14 +0000 Implementation of the TAI Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Passing and Control Learning <p><em>This study aims to determine the improvement of passing control learning through the application of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type cooperative learning model to the sixth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Pengotan in the 2016/2017 academic year. The research subjects were 33 students of class VI. This type of research uses classroom action research. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study obtained Cycle 1 of students who completed the basic technique of passing as many as 26 people and students who did not complete as many as 7 people, for the basic technique of control students who completed as many as 29 people and students who did not complete as many as 4 people. In Cycle II, the classical level of student mastery of passing material using the outside of the foot reached the target of 90.91% in the very good category, while for the mastery of the control material using the outside of the foot it reached the target of 96.97% in the very good category. The average percentage of cycles for passing material is 84.85% in the good category, and the average percentage of cycles for control materials is 92.43% in the very good category. Therefore, with the achievement of the target of passing the KKM. The implication of this research is that the TAI learning model can improve soccer passing and control learning.</em></p> I Nengah Sastrawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:32:21 +0000 Efforts to improve volleyball passing skills through pairing strategies <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement in the learning outcomes of under-passing and upper-passing volleyball for grade VII/1 SMP Negeri 1 Ranomeeto students through paired strategies. Furthermore, the subjects in this study were all students of class VII/1 SMP Negeri 1 Ranomeeto, totaling 35 people. The instruments used to measure the success of the Paired Strategy implementation are cognitive tests, affective tests and psychomotor tests of lower passing and upper passing. The research data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical technique of percentages, where in one cycle the students' learning mastery results had reached 91.43% (32 of 35 students). So it can be concluded that the application of the exploration method can improve the learning outcomes of passing down and passing over volleyball for class VII/1 SMP N 1 Ranomeeto students</em></p> Endrokdianto Jaris Katili ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:32:46 +0000 The effect of zig-zag run training on dribbling ability in football <p><em>The training methods for improving dribbling such as zigzag running are less varied and tend to be monotonous for students, in football it takes a good dribbling technique to dodge past the opponent's obstacles while carrying the ball but in the implementation on the field it cannot be displayed optimally. This study aims to determine the effect of zigzag running training on the dribbling ability of extracurricular participants in </em>SMKN 1 Tarano<em>'s soccer game. This research is an experimental study with a test technique for data collection. This research was conducted with a sample of 20 people. The instrument used in this study is an instrument compiled by Subagyo Irianto, et al which has a validity of 0.779 and a reliability of 0.559. Data analysis in this study used the t-test, namely by comparing the results of the pretest with the posttest in the experimental group. Based on the results of statistical tests, it was obtained that the t-test value between the pretest and posttest of zigzag running training on the ability to dribble which had a t-count value of 15,892, p = 0.000, because p &lt;0.05, there was a significant increase. Judging from the average value, the average value of the pretest = 19.99 seconds and the average value of the posttest = 17.39 seconds, because the average value of the pretest is smaller than the average value of the posttest, there is an increase in dribbling ability of = 2.60 or 13.01%. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of zigzag running training on the dribbling ability of extracurricular participants in </em>SMKN 1 Tarano</p> M S Suhud ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:33:29 +0000 Student Learning Outcomes of Service for Volleyball Game Using the Drill and Play Approach <p><em>This study aims to obtain information about the comparison of down serve training with a fixed net, changing distance and changing net fixed distance to the under serve in volleyball games for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri Salawu, Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with a population of 30 students in class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Salawu, Tasikmalaya Regency by using a total sampling technique. Based on the results of data processing with statistical tests, it turns out that empirically the bottom serve practice with a fixed net, the distance changes and the net fixed distance changes as effectively as the bottom serve skill in volleyball games.</em></p> Bitcen Marulitua ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:34:03 +0000 Down serve practice with fixed net changing distance and changing net distance against under serve in volleyball games <p><em>This study aims to obtain information about the comparison of down serve training with a fixed net, changing distance and changing net fixed distance to the under serve in volleyball games for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri Salawu, Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with a population of 30 students in class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Salawu, Tasikmalaya Regency by using a total sampling technique. Based on the results of data processing with statistical tests, it turns out that empirically the bottom serve practice with a fixed net, the distance changes and the net fixed distance changes as effectively as the bottom serve skill in volleyball games.</em></p> Deni Nur Effendi, Budi Indrawan, Agus Mulyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Dec 2021 22:53:01 +0000 Learning outcomes of manipulative basic motion using the game of bounce the ball to the target <p><em>This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes of basic manipulative movements using the game tossing the ball to the target at the students of SD Negeri Pasirsari 02 Pekalongan City. The type of research used is a Class Action Research (CAR) model or Class Action Research. The subjects of this study were students of class III (Three) SD Negeri Pasirsari 02 Pekalongan City for the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 16 students. The data analysis technique used was descriptive quantitative, students who took part in the learning had reached the minimum level of completeness criteria specified, namely the value 7 ,5</em> <em>The class average in learning basic motion manipulative catching the ball using a target has a positive impact on increasing student interest and motivation as indicated by the average class increase. This is indicated by an increase of 2% in the second cycle, namely from 74% in the first cycle and increased to 76% in the second cycle and an increase of 4% in the third cycle to 80%.</em></p> Mudzakkir Faozi, Ahmad Fathunnoor ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 02:51:25 +0000 The relationship between explosive power of the limb muscles and the results of running 40 meters <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Explosive Power of the Limb Muscles and a Running Speed ​​of 40 Meters for Class V students of SDN 001 Langgam, Pelalawan Regency. population in this study amounted to 26 people. The technique of collecting samples with total sampling. The instrument in this study was leg muscle power with a vertical jump and a running speed of 40 meters. The data is analyzed by product moment correlation. Based on the results of the study that there was a relationship between explosive power of the leg muscles and a running speed of 40 meters for male students in class V SDN 001 Langgam, Pelalawan Regency, it was found that rcount = 0.631 &gt; rtable = 0.602. Then there is no relationship between explosive power of leg muscles and a running speed of 40 meters for female students of class V SDN 001 Langgam, Pelalawan Regency, obtained rcount = -0.006 &gt; rtable = 0.553</em></p> Syusilaiman Syusilaiman, Ramadi Ramadi, Ardiah Juita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 02:52:45 +0000 The effect of hanging ball training on the success of smash volley ball games <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hanging ball practice on the volleyball game smash. The research method used is the experimental research method. This study uses a one group pretest design. The population in this study were all fifth grade students at SDN No. 78/VIII Sapta Mulia Rimbo Bujang who took part in volleyball extracurricular activities amounted to 20 people. The results of the analysis on the initial test and final test obtained tcount data of 8.11. When compared with 1.729 t table. This shows that there is a significant increase. The alternative hypothesis (H1) proposed in this study is accepted as true, the initial test and the final test have different results. The implication of this research is that hanging ball training has an effect on smash skills in mini volleyball games.</em></p> Mahfud Zainudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 03:22:26 +0000 Improving learning outcomes of straight punch in pencak silat through the use of learning aids <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar pukulan lulus dalam pencak silat melalui penggunaan media alat bantu pembelajaran pada siswa kelas V SDN 1 Tengger Semester gasal tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dengan tiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian siswa kelas V SDN 1 Tengger semester gasal Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 berjumlah 31 siswa. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan siswa. Pengumpulan data dengan tes pukulan lurus pencak silat dan observasi aktifitas pesertadidik dan guru selama kegiatan belajar mengajar pukulan lurus pencak silat dengan menggunakan alat bantu Pembelajaran. Avaliditas data dengan teknik triangulasi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif adalah skor perolehan pukulan lurus pencak silat, data kualitatif terdiri dari: aktivitas guru, keaktifan siswa, aktifitas siswa, dan penggunaan alat bantu. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan T-testsedangkan data kualitatif dianalisis dengan analisis kritis. Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu data peningkatan siswa dalam mempelajari pukulan lurus menggunakan media alat bantu pembelajaran. Ketercapaian ketuntasan hasilbelajar pukulan lurus pencak silat dari pra siklus ke siklus 1 sebesar 38.71%. Dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 sebesar 12.91%. Peningkatan ketuntasan hasil belajar secara keseluruhan darikondisi awal ke siklus 2 sebesar 51.62%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh simpulan: Penggunaan media alat bantupembelajaran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar pukulan lurus pencak silat pada siswakelas V SDN 1 Tengger Semester gasal Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020.</p> Widiyantoro Widiyantoro ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 03:23:21 +0000 Dynamic balance, eye-foot coordination and reaction speed with shooting accuracy in football <p><em>The aims of this study were to determine: (1) The relationship between dynamic balance and shooting accuracy in soccer games. (2) The relationship between eye-foot coordination with shooting accuracy in soccer games. (3) The relationship between foot-reaction speed and shooting accuracy in soccer games. (4) The relationship between dynamic balance, eye-eye coordination and foot-reaction speed with shooting accuracy in soccer games, in soccer games for sixth grade students at SDN Ngampon Gunungkidul in 2019. In accordance with the objectives of the study, this study used the method description with a correlational study approach. The subjects in this study were Class VI students at SDN Ngampon Gunungkidul in 2019, totaling 30 participants. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data collection techniques are carried out by tests and measurements in sports. The data collected consisted of 3 independent variables, namely dynamic balance, eye-foot coordination and foot-reaction speed and one dependent variable, namely shooting accuracy. The data analysis technique was carried out by regression analysis of three predictors at a significance level of 5%, before being analyzed, a prerequisite analysis test was carried out which included reliability, normality and linearity tests. This research resulted in the following conclusions; (1) There is a significant relationship between dynamic balance and shooting accuracy in soccer games with rcount = 0.477 &gt; rtable5% = 0.361. (2) there is a significant relationship between eye-foot coordination and shooting accuracy in soccer games with rcount = 0.387 &gt; rtable5% = 0.361. (3) There is a significant relationship between foot-reaction speed and shooting accuracy in soccer games with rcount= - 0.429 &gt; rtable5% = 0.361. (negative correlation due to inversion of data) (4) There is a significant relationship between dynamic balance, eye-foot coordination and foot-reaction speed with shooting accuracy in soccer games, in soccer games in class VI students at SDN Ngampon Gunungkidul in 2019 with R2y(1,2,3) was 0.702 &gt; rtable5% at the 5% significance level of 0.361 and Fo of 8.42 &gt; Ftable at the 5% significance level (3:26) of 2.98.</em></p> Heri Kuswanta ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 04:05:17 +0000 Improving the learning of basic motion run using rice media in elementary school students <p><em>The aims of this study are: 1) To find out the extent to which students' activities in the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields are used, 2) To determine the extent to which teachers' activities in the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields are used, and 3) To find out how far the level of student enthusiasm for the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields. In the implementation of this study, all third grade students of SDN Mergasana, totaling 34 students, were used. The data analysis technique used the assessment of the teacher's activity observation sheet, the assessment of the student activity observation sheet, the student's performance test and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it can be illustrated that the implementation of the teaching and learning process for running basic movements using rice fields at the State Elementary School 1 Mergasana in 2012/2013, student activity while participating in learning in the second cycle reached 89%, teacher activity in teaching running basic movements using media rice fields in the second cycle reached 84%. Referring to these results, the authors conclude, namely: 1) Teacher activities are categorized as active and student activities are categorized as very active. Meanwhile, the students' response to the teaching and learning process of running basic movements using rice fields was very satisfied. The researcher also proposes suggestions, namely: 1) For students, show your enthusiasm for learning in any conditions and situations, because actually learning is fun, but only students can make it that way, and 2) For teachers, explore your creative potential by utilizing existing resources. around us to provide a fun teaching and learning process for students and teachers.</em></p> Rizki Firdaus ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 04:06:08 +0000 Analysis of the needs of book development teaching the basics of digital-based nutrition science <p><em>The purpose of this research is to produce a teaching book on the basics of digital-based nutrition science as a source of student learning. The title of this research is the development of a digital-based textbook on the basics of nutrition as a learning resource for students of Physical Education, Faculty of Public Health, Unsri. The method used in this research is the R &amp; D (Research and Development) method, which is a research that produces a product in the form of a digital-based textbook on the basics of nutrition as a learning resource. The results of this research are expected to produce digital-based textbooks on the basics of nutrition science as a learning resource that will be used by students to support the teaching and learning process of basic nutrition science courses. Aims to 1) want to make a digital-based nutritional basics textbook as a learning resource, 2) want to know the effectiveness of a digital-based nutritional basics textbook as a learning resource.</em></p> Ricka Desti Ramadhana, Hartati Hartati, Silvi Aryanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 04:31:12 +0000 The contribution of leg strength and arm strength with the results of the volleyball jump service <p><em>The Relationship Between The Contribution Of Leg Strength And Arm Strength With The Result Of Jump Service In The Extracurricular Game Of Volleyball At SMPN 3 Cicurug. The problem raised in this study is how big the contribution of leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength either separately or simultaneously to the ability to jump service in volleyball games. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the contribution of leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength both separately and simultaneously to the ability of jump service in volleyball extracurricular games at SMP Negeri 3 Cicurug. This study uses a descriptive method with test and measurement techniques on the sample, the samples in this study are students who take part in Volleyball Extracurricular, totaling 24 people. The sampling technique used is the total sampling technique. Data analysis used single correlation and multiple correlation analysis techniques. Where as leg muscle strength independent variable 1 (X1) and arm muscle strength as independent variable 2 (X2) and jump service ability in volleyball game as dependent variable (Y). From the results of data analysis, this study shows that leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength have a significant influence on the ability to jump service in volleyball games. This is indicated by the correlation coefficient value of 0.503 for leg muscle strength and 0.632 for arm muscle strength. While the contribution of each of these components is 25% for leg muscle strength and 40% for arm muscle strength and significant at α 5%. This means that partially leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength have a significant contribution to the ability to jump service in volleyball games at SMP Negeri 3 Cicurug students. Furthermore, the strength of the limb muscles and the strength of the arm muscles simultaneously also gave a positive contribution to the ability to jump service in volleyball games at SMP Negeri 3 Cicurug students, this was evident from the correlation coefficient value of 0.773, and significant at 5% with an F value of 15.553 . The contribution is 60%. While the other 40%, influenced by other factors not included in this study</em></p> Solahudin Solahudin, Muhammad Rizal Ibrahim ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 05:39:46 +0000 Improved passing skills in volleyball games using ball modification <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of using a modified hanging ball tool to improve volleyball skills in Class IV students at SDN1 Wawonii Timur. The method used is descriptive method. The technique used is Classroom Action Research. This research was conducted at SDN1 Wawonii Timur. The subject of this research amounted to 19 students. Instruments for collecting data using observation sheets are observations to students through: 1). Observation: used as a technique to collect data about down passing skills during teaching and learning activities when implementing learning using a modified hanging ball tool. The results showed an increase. This can be proven from the calculation of student learning outcomes increased from the initial data, namely 32% completeness "less", cycle I increased to 74% and in cycle II it became 90%</em></p> A. Rasdiyanto Rasyid ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 04 Dec 2021 05:40:11 +0000 Analysis of physical fitness of south sumatran sepak takraw athletes <p><em>This study aims to analyze the level of physical fitness of South Sumatran sepak takraw athletes at the 2016 PON XIX in West Java. This research is a descriptive research, the method used is a survey method with test and measurement techniques. The research sample was South Sumatra soccer takraw athletes at PON XIX 2016 totaling 5 people. The instruments used in this study were a 20 meter sprint speed test, a sit up push up strength test, a vertical jump power explosive test, a sit and reach flexibility test and an aerobic endurance test with bleeb. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the research on the speed aspect are 4 people (80%) in the good category, and 1 person (20%) in the average category. The strength aspect is 1 person (20%) in the average category, 3 people (60%) in the fair category and 1 person in the poor category (20%). The explosive power aspect is 4 people (80%) in the poor category and 1 person (20%) in the poor category. the flexibility aspect in the fair category is 3 people (60%) and the poor category is 2 people (40%). The results of the VO 2 max (bleeb) test are all 5 people (100%) in the poor category. It is recommended that the South Sumatra sepak takraw team can improve the physical fitness of its athletes</em></p> Iyakrus Iyakrus, Arisky Ramadhan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:18:04 +0000 Analysis of the need for development of textbooks for android-based physical education learning planning courses <p><em>This study aims to develop a game-based athletic learning model in elementary school (SD), in order to obtain data on the effectiveness of the development of a game-based athletic learning model for elementary school-aged children. This research is a development research using Research and Development from Sugiyono. Research subjects are elementary school children aged 7 to 12 years in the city of Palembang. Based on the results of a small-scale trial conducted on 20 subject children. While the results of large-scale trials were carried out on 40 subject children. The results of the main product effectiveness test were carried out on 80 children. The game as a whole was declared feasible and effective in developing basic athletic movements through small games for children aged 7 to 12 years. The product of the research is a guidebook for basic athletic movements based on small and traditional games. The results of the research prove that the development of a game-based athletic basic movement learning model for children aged 7 to 12 years has been declared valid by motor learning experts, physical activity experts and education practitioners for elementary school age children (SD). The conclusion is that the basic movement learning model based on small and traditional games is proven to be 85% able to improve basic athletic movement skills, increase motivation, build self-confidence and courage.</em></p> Lusiana Lusiana, Hartati Hartati, Silvi Aryanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:18:37 +0000 Goal jumping practice on football kicking ability <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of goal jump training on kicking ability at Persimuba Football Club. The&nbsp;</em><em>method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method, which means that only the sample is treated. The&nbsp;</em><em>research design used was One Grub Pretest-Posttes Design. Sampling using a total population sampling&nbsp;</em><em>technique with a sample of 40 people. The instrument of this research is that all samples do the hurdles test.&nbsp;</em><em>From the results of data processing and analysis using the data normality test and hypothesis testing with the t-</em><em>test formula, that the goal-jumping exercise affects the kick ability of the Persimuba football club, this can be&nbsp;</em><em>seen from the results of data analysis through the calculation of the t-test formula with greater arithmetic&nbsp;</em><em>criteria. from t table (13.47 &gt; 1.70) with a confidence level of 0.95 (a = 0.05) and the number of samples (N =&nbsp;</em><em>40), then the proposed hypothesis is accepted. The goal jump exercise affects the ability to kick in football.&nbsp;</em><em>Based on the results of research on the effect of goal-jumping exercise which is thought to have a significant&nbsp;</em><em>effect on increasing kick ability at the Persimuba football club kick ability.</em></p> Panggi Meidiansya, Syamsuramel Syamsuramel, Destriana Destriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 24 Dec 2021 03:27:53 +0000 Medicine Ball Practice for Badminton Forehand Lob for Male Students <p><em>Abstract the purpose of this research is to </em><em>determine the effect of throwing a medicine ball at the wall on the forehand lob in badminton in extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. This research method is a quasi-experimental.</em><em> The population of this study were all students in badminton extracurricular activities totaling 30 people. The sample in this study is the entire population, with a total of 30 people (total sampling)</em><em>. The instrument of this research is the practice of throwing a madicine ball against a wall against a forehand lob in a badminton game, then to obtain data in this study a test is used, namely a forehand lob shot where the score or value taken is a number. The hypothesis in this study is that there is an effect of throwing a medicine ball at the wall on the forehand lob in badminton. The treatment in this study was in the form of throwing a medicine ball at the wall which was given for 6 weeks with a frequency of 3 times a week. The effectiveness test using the experimental method with the results of the "t test" significant a = 0.05 obtained tcount (17.69) &gt; ttable (1.70), then tcount &gt; ttable means Ha can be accepted, while Ho is rejected. Based onthe results of the study that Ha is acceptable, then the practice of throwing medicine balls at the wall has an effect on the forehand lob in badminton. The implication of this research is that the practice of throwing medicine balls at the wall can be used as a type of exercise to improve the results of the forehand lob in badminton.</em></p> Nadia Wiya Pebrian, Iyakrus Iyakrus, Silvi Aryanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 07 Feb 2022 08:19:15 +0000 Interval Training on the endurance of the petropali futsal academy <p><em>This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of interval training on the endurance of petropali players and as an effort that is expected to increase the endurance of players in the long term. The population in this study amounted to 30 players who were given treatment for 6 weeks. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental method, which means that only the sample is treated. The research design used was One group pretest-posttest design. Sampling used a total population sampling technique with a total of 30 people. The research instrument used the bleef test. The results of data processing and analysis using the data normality test and hypothesis testing with the T-test formula, that interval training has an effect on increasing the endurance of the petropali academy player. This can be seen from the results of data analysis through the calculation of the t test formula with the arithmetic criteria greater than t table (14,68 &gt; 1,70) with a confidence level of 0.95 (a = 0.05) and the number of samples (N = 30), then the proposed hypothesis is accepted. Interval training has an effect on increasing the body power of Petropali futsal academy players. Based on the results of research on the effect of interval training which is thought to have a significant effect on increasing endurance in Petropali players. stand.</em></p> M. Alridho Halsan, Syamsuramel Syamsuramel, Destriana Destriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 07 Feb 2022 08:58:41 +0000 Profile of Student Achievement in Physical Education, Sports and Health <p><em>This study aims to determine the learning achievement of the students of </em><em>23 Junior High school</em> <em>Palembang. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a survey. The research subjects were students of </em><em>7<sup>th</sup> grade 23 Junior High school</em> <em>Palembang using cluster sampling technique, totaling 60 people with 36 male students and 24 female students. The data collection technique in this study used a survey method with the end of semester report cards. The results showed that in the good category there were 24 people or 40% and in the sufficient category there were 36 people or 60%. The findings in this study indicate that the student achievement of </em><em>23 Junior High school</em><em> Palembang is in the sufficient category. The implication of this research is that students can carry out learning activities well so that they can improve learning achievement at school.</em></p> Anastasyia Handayani, Syamsuramel Syamsuramel, Destriana Destriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 12 May 2022 03:58:04 +0000 Anxiety and Learning Outcomes Physical Education <p><em>This study aims to determine the level of anxiety and learning scores of 7th grade grade students of Junior Haigh School 23 Palembang. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a correlation design. The research population was 60 students sitting in 7<sup>th</sup> grade students of Junior Haigh School 23 Palembang. This research instrument uses a depression anxiety stress scale (DASS42) questionnaire for the anxiety level of the Harvard test and the results of report cards. The data analysis technique was processed with percentages and linearity tests using computer assistance in the excel program and SPSS 22. Based on the analysis of the percentages obtained, namely for the anxiety level, 52% were 31 people who were not anxious, 30% were 18 people with mild anxiety category, 18% were 11 people. people with moderate anxiety category, there are no students who have severe anxiety and very severe anxiety. The results of the analysis technique are 0.788 with a significance result of 0.000, so it can be concluded in this study Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, that is, there is a significant relationship between anxiety levels and learning outcomes. Based on the correlation coefficient ry,x1x2, the determination coefficient is 0.758, this shows that the level of anxiety and&nbsp; learning outcomes of CAD by 75%. The application of this research is that there is a relationship between the level of anxiety and results of </em><em>physical education</em><em> learning scores in 7th grade students of grade students of Junior Haigh School 23 Palembang</em></p> Dea Elrosa Ananda, Syamsuramel Syamsuramel, Destriana Destriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 12 May 2022 05:17:06 +0000 Learning Motivation In PJOK Learning for Class VIII students <p><em>This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness and learning motivation in Sport Physical Education and Health subjects </em><em>of the students of </em><em>23 Junior High school Palembang. This research is a quantitative descriptive research with survey method. The subjects of this study were all </em><em>of the students of </em><em>23 Junior High school Palembang, totaling 160 students. The data collection technique in this research is using a survey method with data collection in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the research obtained, it shows that learning motivation in Sport Physical Education and Health subjects is in the very high category 17%, in the high category 35%, in the medium category 42%, in the low category 6%, and no students get the very low category or 0 % it was concluded that the learning motivation of the Sport Physical Education and Health subjects </em><em>of the students of </em><em>23 Junior High school Palembang was in the medium category. The implication of this research is that it can be used as a reference in increasing the learning motivation of eighth grade students </em><em>of </em><em>23 Junior High school.</em></p> Muhammad Darmawan, Destriana Destriana, Wahyu Indra Bayu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 28 May 2022 07:57:19 +0000 The Effectiveness of Limited Face-to-Face Physical Education Learning in the New Normal Era <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><em>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of face-to-face limited physical education, sports and health in the new normal era at the State Vocational High School 4 Palembang. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method. This research uses accidental sampling technique. The samples obtained were 378 students, 1 principal and 1 teacher of Physical Education, Sports and Health. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire and closed interview. Data analysis in this study used descriptive statistics of percentages in the form of a frequency table. Based on research that has been carried out regarding the effectiveness of limited face-to-face health education learning in the new normal era, State 4 Palembang senior high school in the 2021/2022 academic year. In general, face-to-face physical education learning is limited to the new normal era of the State 4 Palembang vocational high school with a report card score for the 2021/2022 odd semester final exam above the minimum completeness criteria, and interviews with principals and physical education teachers are in the effective category. Only one indicator is said to be less effective in student questionnaires,</em> <em>this is because students are not used to face-to-face learning, and students lack concentration when studying in the new normal era.</em>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Shinta Nissaul Khoir, Meirizal Usra, Destriana Destriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 28 May 2022 08:18:30 +0000 Development of an Android-based health and health education management and administration textbook <p>This study aims to produce an Android-based Physical Education Learning Management and Administration textbook as a learning resource for Penjaskes students Faculty of Teacher Training Education Universitas Sriwijaya. The type of research used is research and development or R&amp;D. Small-scale trials of 10 students and large-scale trials of 30 students. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu pada langkah pengembangan. Instrumen pada penelitian ini yaitu pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar kuisioner, lembar validasi, dan tes hasil belajara mahasiswa. In this study using expert validation, namely validation of material experts, language experts and media expert validation. Data analysis techniques are validity, practicality analysis, and effectiveness analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded from the research, this book is said to be very valid, judging from the results of the validator, the average score of all aspects of the assessment is 4.3 with a very valid classification. Based on student response questionnaires, this book is said to be practical to use, with a practicality score of 3.79 with a very positive category. Based on the results of student learning tests, digital-based physical education administration and management textbooks, namely as learning resources for students, are said to be effective to use. The test results from learning outcomes, obtained implications of 90% which are included in the high category. The conclusion in this study is that only digital-based physical education learning administration and management textbooks as learning resources for students are stated to be very valid, in their use this book is also said to be practical with a positive category and this book is also effective to be used as a support for learning process activities, because it is included in the learning process. high category.</p> Novi Wijaya, Hartati Hartati, Silvi Aryanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 May 2022 05:38:25 +0000 Development Of Learning Media and Information Technology Textbooks Digital Based As a Learning Resource <p><em>This study aims to develop a Digital-Based Learning Media and Information Technology Textbook as a Learning Resource for Physical Education Students, FKIP UNSRI. The method used in this research is the R &amp; D (Research and Development) method, which is research that develops products in the form of learning media textbooks and digital-based information technology as learning resources. The sample collection technique in this study was carried out on students of Physical Education, Faculty of Medicine, UNSRI who are currently or have taken courses in learning media and information technology. Data collection techniques used are validity test, practicality test data and effectiveness test data. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires and student learning outcomes tests. Data analysis techniques in the form of validity analysis, practicality analysis and effectiveness analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the book was categorized as very valid as seen from the results of the validator's assessment and the average score of the 3 aspects of the assessment was 3,87. Based on the results of the student response questionnaire, the textbook was categorized as practical to use with a score of 3.57. Based on student learning outcomes tests, textbooks are categorized as very effective to use with a percentage score of 86.15%. The conclusion of the study of digita based learning media and information technology textbooks for Physical Education students, FKIP UNSRI, was stated to be very valid with the use of textbooks categorized as very practical and very effective as a learning resource in the learning process.</em></p> Muhammad Fajri Pebriyansyah, Hartati Hartati, Ahmad Richard Victorian ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Jun 2022 03:53:18 +0000 Development of digital-based hockey sports textbooks <p><em>This study aims to produce a digital-based Hockey Textbook for Students of the Physical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. The method used in this research is the R &amp; D (Research and Development) method which is a research that produces a product in the form of a digital-based Hockey sports textbook as a learning resource. Sampling technique in research on 6th semester students of the Physical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. Data collection techniques used are validity test, practicality test and effectiveness test. The instruments in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires and student learning outcomes tests. Data analysis techniques are instrument validity, instrument reliability, original validation analysis techniques, student questionnaire data analysis, and effectiveness data analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded from the research, this book is said to be very valid, judging by the results of the validator's research, the average score of all aspects of the assessment is 88.70% with a very valid classification. Based on student response questionnaires, this book is said to be practical with a practicality score of 79.81%. Based on the results of student learning tests, the digital-based Hockey sports textbook for the Students of the Physical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University is said to be effective. The conclusion in this study is that the digital-based Hockey sports textbook for Students of the Physical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University is declared very valid, in its use this book is also said to be practical and this book is also effective to be used as a support for learning activities.</em></p> Muhammad Alwan Naufal, Hartati Hartati, Ahmad Richard Victorian ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Jun 2022 04:31:35 +0000 Development of Digital-Based Sports Nutrition Textbooks as Learning Resources for Physical Education Students <p><em>This study aims to produce a Digital-Based Sports Nutrition Textbook as a Learning Resource for Physical Education Students, FKIP Unsri. The method used in this research is the R &amp; D (Research and Development) method which is a research that produces a product in the form of a digital-based sports nutrition textbook as a learning resource. The sampling technique in this study was only physical education students who had taken a sports nutrition course. Data collection techniques used are validity test data, practicality test data and effectiveness test data. The instruments in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires, and student learning outcomes tests. Data analysis techniques are validity analysis, practicality analysis and effectiveness analysis. The results of the research conducted on material validation resulted in 76% validity, 78% language validation and 87% media validation. In the main trial, it resulted in practicality of 85.78% and in the operational trial, practicality resulted in 87.2% and the effectiveness of the media was included in the "effective" category with a percentage of 83.6%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the development of digital sports nutrition textbooks is valid, practical, and effective. and can be used in learning strategies and learning models for physical education at the Physical Education Study Program, FKIP, Sriwijaya University</em>.</p> Lingga Pahlepi, Hartati Hartati, Ahmad Richard Victorian ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Jun 2022 03:46:00 +0000 Parental Support for the Sports Achievement of SSB Putra Sunda Palembang Children <p><em>This study was conducted to determine parental support for children's sports achievement at SSB Putra Sunda Palembang soccer school. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a survey. The research subjects were parents of students at the Putra Sunda Palembang soccer school (SSB) as many as 30 people. The data collection technique in this study used a survey method with interviews and questionnaires. Parental support for the child's achievement in the very good category is 17 people or 56.67%, the good category is 11 people or 36.67%, only 2 people or 6.67% and there are no parents who support the child's achievement with the category less or less . Meanwhile, the average parental support for children's achievement at SSB Putra Sunda is 85.26% or in the very good category. The findings in this study indicate that the support given to parents on the achievements and attention of the SSB Putra Sunda Palembang soccer training participants is categorized as very good. The implication of this research is that parents can provide more support and attention in the process of developing children's achievements during training so that later it can be further improved.</em></p> K.M. Taufiqurahman, Iyakrus Iyakrus, Herri Yusfi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 27 Jun 2022 07:34:51 +0000 Pull Up Exercises on the Results of Throw-Ins in Football Extracurricular Activities <p><em>The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pull-up training on throw-in results in extracurricular soccer activities at SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya Selatan. This research is a quasi experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The independent variable is the pull up exercise, the dependent variable is the throw-in. The population is students who participate in extracurricular soccer activities at SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya Selatan. The sample is 40 people. The research instrument was a throw-in test. The treatment given in this study was pull up exercise, which was given for 6 weeks with a frequency of 3 times a week. Based on the results of research and data analysis with test statistics, the value of sig. 0.000 &lt;0.05, it means that the pull-up exercise has an effect on increasing the throw-in results in extracurricular soccer activities at SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya Selatan. The implication of this study is that pull ups can be used as a type of exercise to improve throw-in results in soccer.</em></p> M. Taufik, Giartama Giartama, Herri Yusfi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 27 Jun 2022 07:52:28 +0000 Bhayangkara Sriwijaya FC Football Team Physical Condition Survey <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kondisi fisik tim sepakbola Bhayangkara Sriwijaya FC dalam persiapan menuju liga tiga Provinsi Sumatera Selatan tahun 2022. Jenis penelitian ini berupa deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah tim sepakbola Bhayangkara Sriwijaya FC yang berjumlah 30 orang pemain dimana rata-rata usia para pemain 20-24 tahun sehingga pemilihan sampel digunakan dengan teknik <em>cluster sampling</em> yang berjumlah 20 orang pemain. Instrumen penelitian pada penelitian ini menggunakan tes lari 12 menit (<em>cooper test</em>). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan presentase. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu mempresentasikan hasil yang diperoleh dari norma tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat kondisi fisik tim sepakbola Bhayangkara Sriwijaya FC berada pada kategori cukup dengan frekuensi relatif 45% berjumlah 9 orang. Diikuti kategori sangat kurang dengan frekuensi relatif 5% berjumlah 1 orang. Pada kategori kurang dengan frekuensi relatif 10% berjumlah 2 orang. Pada kategori baik sekali dengan frekuensi relatif 10% berjumlah 2 orang. Pada kategori sangat baik dengan frekuensi relatif 30% berjumlah 6 orang. Temuan pada penelitian ini kondisi fisik tim sepakbola Bhayangkara Sriwijaya FC termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Implikasi penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi fisik atlet sepakbola sehingga dapat meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kondisi fisik yang lebih baik untuk mencapai performance yang baik pada saat pertandingan liga tiga Provinsi Sumatera Selatan.</p> Dwi Ramadhani, Meirizal Usra, Destriana Destriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Jul 2022 07:43:54 +0000 Efforts To Increase Jump Shoot Learning Outcomes In Basketball Games Through Skipping Media For Students Of Junior High School No 1 Indralaya <p><em>The background of the research on the success of teachers in teaching physical education will have a positive impact on achievement in sports.</em> <em>Sports training is one of the means that can be used to improve one's performance in sports. One form of exercise that can be done to improve jump shoot learning outcomes is game training with rope media (skipping). The problem in this research is how to improve learning outcomes of jump shoot in basketball games through games with rope media (skipping). The benefit of this research is that it is expected that teachers and trainers can use this form of game training with rope media (skipping) as a form of learning in an effort to improve jump shoot learning outcomes.The variable in this study is the result of learning jump shoot through games with rope media (skipping). The method used in this research is classroom action research (CAR). Data were analyzed using arithmetic mean.The results of the research analysis obtained: 1) the students' jump shoot learning outcomes before participating in learning the game exercise with rope media (skipping) obtained an average value of 5.91. 2) the results of learning jump shoot after participating in the learning of game exercises with rope media (skipping) in the first cycle obtained an average value of 7.45. 3) the increase in the average jump shoot results of students through learning game exercises with rope media (skipping) is 26.06%.In connection with the results of this study, it can be concluded that game training with rope media (skipping) can improve jump shoot learning outcomes in basketball games.</em></p> Getta Florita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 04 Oct 2022 05:34:09 +0000