Survey of fundamental motor skills of students 10-11 years old during the covid-19 pandemic

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Aditya Bagus Setyawan Irwan Setiawan Dhedhy Yuliawan Budiman Agung Pratama


This study aims to find out more about the application of good and bad physical activity to school-age children and the effect of physical education on fine motor skills in children. The research aims to determine the physical activity of basic motor skills in fifth-grade students at State Elementary School Tugu Mantub District, Lamongan Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic period. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The subjects were 5th graders at Tugu Elementary School, Mantup District, Lamongan Regency with 10 students (M: 6; F: 4). The instrument uses the Test of Gross Motor Development, second edition (TGMD-2). The data analysis used is descriptive. The results show that physical activity on the fundamental motor skills of fifth-grade students is in the average category with a range of GMQ Standard scores of 90-110 at the Percentile score of 25-75.

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How to Cite
Setyawan, A., Setiawan, I., Yuliawan, D., & Pratama, B. (2022). Survey of fundamental motor skills of students 10-11 years old during the covid-19 pandemic. Sriwijaya Journal of Sport, 2(1), 30-37.
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