Analysis of the application of biomechanics to the prevention of sports injuries in physical education learning

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Muhammad Surur Resty Gustiawati


This study aims to analyze the relationship between the application of biomechanics to the prevention of sports injuries in physical education learning, with a sample size of 10 physical education teachers in Muaragembong sub-district, Kabupaten Bekasi. The method used is qualitative with structured interview instruments. From the research data and discussion, it can be concluded that physical education teachers who have a high level of understanding are strongly related to the prevention of student sports injuries in physical education learning. Based on two factors that influence the relationship, namely, the biomechanics understanding factor obtained a "high" category of as many as 8 teachers (80%) and the sports injury prevention factor obtained a "high" category of as many as 7 teachers (70%). It is concluded that teachers in the Muaragembong sub-district of Kabupaten Bekasi have a high level of understanding. This statement can be interpreted as the application of biomechanics to the prevention of sports injuries in PE learning having a significant relationship. So good application in biomechanics will increase the prevention of sports injuries and reduce the number of injuries that occur to students and athletes. So that a good application of biomechanics will increase the prevention of sports injuries and reduce the number of injuries that occur to students and athletes. This will have a positive influence on teachers and students to continue to strive in conducting physical education learning in accordance with the learning objectives.

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How to Cite
Surur, M., & Gustiawati, R. (2023). Analysis of the application of biomechanics to the prevention of sports injuries in physical education learning. Sriwijaya Journal of Sport, 2(2), 95-104.
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