Medicine Ball Practice for Badminton Forehand Lob for Male Students


Nadia Wiya Pebrian
Iyakrus Iyakrus
Silvi Aryanti


Abstract the purpose of this research is to determine the effect of throwing a medicine ball at the wall on the forehand lob in badminton in extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. This research method is a quasi-experimental. The population of this study were all students in badminton extracurricular activities totaling 30 people. The sample in this study is the entire population, with a total of 30 people (total sampling). The instrument of this research is the practice of throwing a madicine ball against a wall against a forehand lob in a badminton game, then to obtain data in this study a test is used, namely a forehand lob shot where the score or value taken is a number. The hypothesis in this study is that there is an effect of throwing a medicine ball at the wall on the forehand lob in badminton. The treatment in this study was in the form of throwing a medicine ball at the wall which was given for 6 weeks with a frequency of 3 times a week. The effectiveness test using the experimental method with the results of the "t test" significant a = 0.05 obtained tcount (17.69) > ttable (1.70), then tcount > ttable means Ha can be accepted, while Ho is rejected. Based onthe results of the study that Ha is acceptable, then the practice of throwing medicine balls at the wall has an effect on the forehand lob in badminton. The implication of this research is that the practice of throwing medicine balls at the wall can be used as a type of exercise to improve the results of the forehand lob in badminton.


How to Cite
Pebrian, N., Iyakrus, I., & Aryanti, S. (2022). Medicine Ball Practice for Badminton Forehand Lob for Male Students. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 376-386. Retrieved from


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