Development of a chain throwing game to improve overhand throwing in softball Development of a Chained Catch Throwing Game to Increase Softball Overhand Throws

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Sagita Dwi Rosania Basuki Basuki Nurdian Ahmad


Based on the results of the needs analysis carried out at SMAN Mojoagung, a game model is needed in learning the small ball game softball with overhand throw material to improve learning outcomes and students' interest in learning. This research aims to develop a learning model in the form of a chain-throwing game using physical products in the form of guidebooks for educators and video tutorials on how to play. The research method used is R&D "Research and Development" or development research. The sample of this research was 132 students. The research instrument used a questionnaire for 3 validators and a student questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses quantitative descriptive with percentage score results. The average score obtained from the evaluation results from game experts was 93.33% in the content aspect, 94% in the quality aspect (Very Good), learning material experts were 96.67% in the content aspect, 96% in the quality aspect, and 96% in the language aspect. 93.33% (Very Good), and language material experts in the is aspect 90%, in the quality aspect 92%, and in the language aspect 93.33% (Very Good). It was concluded that the development of a chain-throwing game to improve softball overhand throws could be used by class XI students.

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How to Cite
Rosania, S., Basuki, B., & Ahmad, N. (2024). Development of a chain throwing game to improve overhand throwing in softball. Sriwijaya Journal of Sport, 3(2), 81-92.
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