Muscle leg strength and arm muscle strength on the power lay-up ability
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The purpose of this study is 1, To know the relationship between leg muscles with the ability of the power lay-up technique in women's basketball players at Tamansiswa Banjarnegara Vocational School 2, Knowing the relationship between arm muscles and power lay-up technical abilities in women basketball players at Tamansiswa Banjarnegara Vocational School, 3, knowing the relationship between leg muscles and arm muscles with ability power lay-up technique on women's basketball players at SMK Tamansiswa Banjarnegara. This type of research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach that has one dependent variable, namely power layup and two independent variables of leg muscles and arm muscles, the sample used is a female basketball player at Tamansiswa Banjarnegara Vocational School with a total of 15 children, the instrument used is back and leg dynamometer and pull and push dynamometer. The results of this study are there is a significant relationship between leg muscle strength and power lay-up ability in women's basketball players at SMK Tamansiswa Banjarnegara in the "very poor" category, There is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and ability power lay up for women basketball players at Tamansiswa Banjarnegara Vocational School in the "very poor" category and there is a significant relationship between leg and arm muscle strength and power lay-up abilities for women basketball players at Tamansiswa Banjarnegara Vocational School in the "very poor" category.
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