Interval Training on the endurance of the petropali futsal academy


M. Alridho Halsan
Syamsuramel Syamsuramel
Destriana Destriana


This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of interval training on the endurance of petropali players and as an effort that is expected to increase the endurance of players in the long term. The population in this study amounted to 30 players who were given treatment for 6 weeks. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental method, which means that only the sample is treated. The research design used was One group pretest-posttest design. Sampling used a total population sampling technique with a total of 30 people. The research instrument used the bleef test. The results of data processing and analysis using the data normality test and hypothesis testing with the T-test formula, that interval training has an effect on increasing the endurance of the petropali academy player. This can be seen from the results of data analysis through the calculation of the t test formula with the arithmetic criteria greater than t table (14,68 > 1,70) with a confidence level of 0.95 (a = 0.05) and the number of samples (N = 30), then the proposed hypothesis is accepted. Interval training has an effect on increasing the body power of Petropali futsal academy players. Based on the results of research on the effect of interval training which is thought to have a significant effect on increasing endurance in Petropali players. stand.


How to Cite
Halsan, M., Syamsuramel, S., & Destriana, D. (2022). Interval Training on the endurance of the petropali futsal academy. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, 1(1), 387-396. Retrieved from


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