Anxiety and Learning Outcomes Physical Education
This study aims to determine the level of anxiety and learning scores of 7th grade grade students of Junior Haigh School 23 Palembang. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a correlation design. The research population was 60 students sitting in 7th grade students of Junior Haigh School 23 Palembang. This research instrument uses a depression anxiety stress scale (DASS42) questionnaire for the anxiety level of the Harvard test and the results of report cards. The data analysis technique was processed with percentages and linearity tests using computer assistance in the excel program and SPSS 22. Based on the analysis of the percentages obtained, namely for the anxiety level, 52% were 31 people who were not anxious, 30% were 18 people with mild anxiety category, 18% were 11 people. people with moderate anxiety category, there are no students who have severe anxiety and very severe anxiety. The results of the analysis technique are 0.788 with a significance result of 0.000, so it can be concluded in this study Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, that is, there is a significant relationship between anxiety levels and learning outcomes. Based on the correlation coefficient ry,x1x2, the determination coefficient is 0.758, this shows that the level of anxiety and learning outcomes of CAD by 75%. The application of this research is that there is a relationship between the level of anxiety and results of physical education learning scores in 7th grade students of grade students of Junior Haigh School 23 Palembang
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